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TMJ Denver

Do you experience regular, recurring jaw pain? Do you have headaches on a regular basis? Has your doctor and the specialists they have referred you to been unable to help? If so, then you might have temporomandibular joint disorders (called TMJ or TMD). This condition (or, rather, multiple conditions with related causes and similar effects) can cause many different symptoms throughout your head and neck. Sometimes the symptoms are felt as far away as your fingers, which can be numb or tingly. These conditions are notoriously hard for doctors to diagnose and treat. But they can be treated. And when they’re treated, all the symptoms will diminish, or, in some cases, disappear. A dentist with dedicated training and extensive experience in treating TMJ can dramatically improve your odds of getting relief. Not only that, but treatment is often noninvasive and drug-free.

If you live in Colorado and are looking for relief from your TMJ, we can help. Denver TMJ dentist Dr. Kevin Berry has 20 years of experience helping people in the metro area get relief from pain. Please call (303) 691-0267 or contact the Denver office of the TMJ Therapy & Sleep Center of Colorado.

Do You Have TMJ? Consider These Symptoms

While the symptoms of TMJ disorder will differ from person to person, there are many that most patients will suffer from.

Temporomandibular joint disorder – better known as TMJ – is a jaw disorder directly affecting the temporomandibular joint, which connects your jawbone to your skull. If your TMJ malfunctions, it results in various painful – and sometimes debilitating – symptoms. Before assuming you have TMJ disorder, check this list of common symptoms to see if you have any of them:

Symptoms of the Jaw

Other than the typical jaw pain, TMJ can lead to trouble chewing, opening or closing the jaw, speaking, or lockjaw.

Clicking or popping noises coming from the jaw are also common. If you are experiencing consistent jaw pain, consider TMJ treatment in Denver to ease your discomfort.

Facial, Ear, and Head Pain

TMJ affects much more than your jaw. A malfunctioning temporomandibular joint can lead to back, facial, neck, and shoulder pain. It can surface in the form of chronic morning headaches, migraines, bruxism, or teeth grinding (which can lead to chipped teeth over time.)

If the temporomandibular joint becomes inflamed, it can affect your eardrum. This can lead to tinnitus or ringing in one or both ears.

Other Bodily Symptoms of TMJ

Although TMJ in Denver, CO, is a jaw disorder, it can affect you – quite literally – from your head to your toes.

A misaligned jaw can increase nighttime snoring. TMJ can also cause dizziness, vertigo, or numbness/tingling in your fingers.

If you have three or more TMJ symptoms, you likely have TMJ. However, it’s also possible that you have symptoms you haven’t noticed or have discounted. If you have any of these symptoms and they are affecting your life, consider TMJ as a potential cause. TMJ is especially likely if other treatments you’ve tried aren’t working.

Treating Your TMJ

a bite splint like this one can help treat tmj disorderWhen it comes to treatment, many physicians and even dentists will either opt to treat the symptoms or rely on surgery to fix the misaligned jaw. However, with advances in neuromuscular dentistry, dentists now have the ability to treat the source that is causing TMJ symptoms. This approach is much more conservative and is proven to work reliably for many patients. Dr. Berry favors this approach and will work with each and every patient to pinpoint and treat the cause of TMJ symptoms. He will use advanced technologies like the TENS systems to examine your jaw and determine where your ideal bite is.

Using a neuromuscular orthotic designed and made by Dr. Berry himself, your bite will be adjusted to the new ideal position. This orthotic, also called a bite splint, ensures that the jaw bone and joints are in proper alignment, which means proper balance and total relaxation for the TMJ. The bite splint is a great method for getting rid of TMD symptoms that cause pain and discomfort for so many dental patients today.

In order to offer the best treatment for your needs, Dr. Berry also has the training necessary to use BOTOX ® as a treatment option for TMJ. Tension in your facial muscles can pull your jaw out of alignment. By targeting these muscles and allowing them to relax, BOTOX ® relieves your pain at the source.

Protect Your Teeth, Your Health, and Your Physical Well-Being with Dr. Berry

Dr. Berry is experienced in diagnosing and treating TMJ for patients of all ages and health conditions. Don’t force yourself to experience daily headaches and jaw pain because of TMJ.

Contact our office by calling (303) 691-0267. If it is more convenient for you, patients can also use our online contact form to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you!

TMJ Video Illustrations

The following video clips were made, using frozen cadaver specimens, by Dr. Per Westesson at the University of Rochester School of Medicine.

Normal Joint

Displaced Disc With Reduction

Displaced Disc Without Reduction

Disc Perforation With Degeneration

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