Is A Bite Splint Ideal for You?

Without actually stepping foot inside of a dental office there is no surefire way to say that a TMJ bite splint is or isn’t a suitable option for you to try. An extensive examination is necessary to be sure that you actually have TMJ disorder and that a bite splint will be worth your while. This includes using various dental technologies along with x-rays. Once all is said and done Dr. Berry will have a clear idea as to whether or not a TMJ splint in Denver can help you.

A Design That Provides Relief

There are hundreds of bite splints on the market today between those sold in dental offices as well as those sold online and over the counter at drug stores. As more and more companies begin to design their own in efforts to outdo the competition, the variety will only grow. With so many choices out there, how will you know which one is right for you. First, you can rule out the “boil ‘n bite” bite splints on the market. They may reduce the wear and tear on your teeth, but they will do nothing to correct your bite. Only a trained TMJ dentist can do that with a custom-fit bite splint. Choose a neuromuscular dentist Dr. Berry to ensure that the TMJ splint that you wear is truly effective. We custom fit your appliance with iTero digital scanners, so there’s no need to bite down into a tray of goop to make your impressions.

A bite splint

Protect Your Teeth and Treat TMJ Simultaneously!

Now is a great time to work with Dr. Berry to decide if a bite splint in Denver is right for you. To book a consultation just call us at (303) 691-0267 or contact us online to set up an appointment!